Month of the Bad Beat
The Texas Hold'em Poker Jackpot game has been an extremely popular one on MachoPoker.com, alongside our Slots and VideoPoker games, and as there are more and more players at the poker tables, the chance of a Bad Beat situation is of course much higher.
The first Bad Beat Jackpot of the year fell on January 11th when player "totó" had a bit of bad luck with a straight flush and lost, but got a 5.3 million MachoChip chunk from the Jackpot as a consolation. A day later player "Csabii" was in a similar situation, however the Jackpot amount was "only" 2.2 million, since the stakes were lower in this game, as in the case of player "Zoltán Beller", who aslo grabbed a 2.3 million pot on the 15th. And the game has been heating up since then, the Jackpot growing once again, waiting for player "Jüri Tiikjarv" to finally take it down once again just a few days ago, to claim 3.8 million MachoChips for the bad beat. Our congrats to all the winners!
On MachoPoker Jackpot Poker tables, a Bad Beat happens when a player's hand of four of a kind or straight flush is beaten by a stonger hand (another four of a kind or straight/royal flush). It sucks to be defeated, holding such a strong hand, so MachoPoker offers a chunk of the Jackpot to players on the losing side as a consolation. The higher the stakes of the game, the higher the share of the Jackpot that is awarded.
Not to worry though, the Jackpot is at a healthy 596 million righ now and is constatly growing, getting fat for the right time and right player to take his or her share.
Take part in the action and claim your rightful share of the Jackpot!